‘Wet scrubbers are often the technology of choice for companies seeking a flexible and highly efficient way to eradicate unwanted odours.
OSIL water or chemical (acid/alkali/oxidising agent) scrubbers are designed and engineered to bring about the intimate contact of the liquid absorbant with the contaminated air gas stream. The majority of OSIL systems are of the packed tower or atomised mist design.
ChemKlean® Scrubbing Systems:
Single and multi-stage scrubbing
Single stage scrubbing is used for simple applications where a basic wet scrubber is all that’s required. Applications include odour control for waste water inlet works and treatment plants.
Multi-stage scrubbing is specified for more arduous duties combining high concentrations of diverse odours, for example ammonia, amines, hydrogen sulphide and mercaptans.
Multi-stage wet scrubbers may also be combined with an initial venturi scrubber for dust removal and a final polishing, dry media filter for insoluble VOC removal. Multi-stage scrubbers are frequently employed on sewage sludge applications and for sludge dryer off-gas treatment.
Key advantages associated with OSIL Scrubbing Systems:
- Up to 99% removal efficiencies can be achieved in many applications
- Will tolerate rapid and wide variations in odour concentration
- Pressure drop across the system is the lowest of the class
- Low requirement for recirculation and make-up water rates
- Easy to start up and shut down
- Easy to monitor and control
OSIL also designs and supplies Venturi Scrubber Systems which effectively use the energy from the inlet gas stream to atomise the liquid being used to scrub the gas stream. OSIL systems can be used to collect both particulate and gaseous pollutants.
Once again these are often employed upstream of a carbon adsorption stage – to extend the life of the carbon and enhance the final polishing process – or as part of a multi-stage scrubbing system.
- No working parts
- Little or no operator intervention
- Ideal for dust or particulate removal